Monday, November 16, 2009

What are some organizations that are fighing at-will employment?

Are there any organizations that are fighting the doctrine of at-will employment? Please give me their websites so I can read what they are doing. Thanks.

What are some organizations that are fighing at-will employment?
Try communist scumbag socialist ones.
Reply:i do not think anyone is fighting at will employment, it is pretty well entrenched in the law. by the way, at will employment allows you to quit your job when you want, if it were all by contract, you would have to stay at the job you signed up for until the contract ended.
Reply:i would say any union would be against it
Reply:i got it!!!

the job pays 27 dollars a hour

you get free food

all the health insurance you want

freee liqor

you know what tht is? nothin

life isn;t fair man

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