Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is a good product to pass pre-employment drugscreening?

Need good product to clean system/block toxins for pre-employment drugscreen. Used to use vale and tried a couple other of the drinks, but none seem to work anymore. I am only concerned about cleaning or blocking Marijuana. Any imput will be MUCH appreicated.

What is a good product to pass pre-employment drugscreening?
The only thing that actually works, according to NORML, is drinking lots and lots of fluids. Water, of course, but also tea and coffee, since caffeine increases urinary output. Drink as much as you can, urinate as frequently as you can, and take a B complex vitamin. This will add yellow coloring to your urine. Copious amounts of water will render urine almost colorless, which can make screeners suspicious.
Reply:There aren't any. I know this because I tried to pass using one of those drinks that guarntee you'll pass. They now can tell if you used a masking agent. I smoked for over 10 yrs. and had to quit back in February just so I could be clean while looking for jobs knowing I'd be tested. Everyone tests nowadays and the labs have caught up on everything and know people try to mask stuff. If it's a hair follicle test, you're screwed also, they can trace stuff back 6 months to 1 yr.
Reply:I have been researching this too..I finially determined that the fake pee is the only way to go. I have read positive things about it. luckily I haven't had to use it yet but I bought some fake pee and bought a drug test and it came out negative. so it should work, as long as they don't watch you.
Reply:Sorry to tell you this, but a lot of the new pre-employment screenings are set up to pick up on masking agents. And the actual specimen obtaining process has, to put it politely, become a lot less private (i.e. your whizzinator won't fly).
Reply:You can get a friend to piss in a cup.. They check if their is drug use, they don't do a DNA test.

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