Monday, April 26, 2010

Do employers get turned off if they see gaps in employment, Is this why I am not getting any interviews?

I been applying for jobs for a month now . But unfortunately there has been no signs of hope. I am starting to lose faith in this whole applying thing.

But today I was thinking about something . I have 1 gap in my employment history. Even though I worked from DECEMBER till FEBRUARY of this year , I didn't update that information in my resume yet.

Do you really think This will make me look bad , infront of a prospective employer?

Do employers get turned off if they see gaps in employment, Is this why I am not getting any interviews?
Yes, it could if you do not explain the gap in employment. Best to update your resume before you send out any more resumes.
Reply:How ridiculous. No. Steve Jobs the founder of Apple has a MEGA gap in his career. He drifted off to India as a hippie to try to find himself and then came back and thought of the Apple label. You are not getting any interviews for other reasons. It is like SALES out there. Everyone says NO but you only need one person to say YES. You need to try different tactics and to improve the emphasis of your resume. Here are some tips which depend on what type of job you want cause I do not know you.

OK first thing. We live in a fast paced world so right at the front tell them what you are right under your name and address or whatever write a paragraph that summarizes you:

"A sales motivated ideas man who excels at situations XYZ and who relishes a challenge in direction ..."

below this stuff put a section called Principal Skills and then some bullet points with some bumf such as this:

"An entrepreneur who achieves innovative offerings...bla bla bla" then another bullet point etc.

You may even put a fancy line as follows:

"Hot Button: I get turned on by authorities who hire direct"

man that is fancy the hot button line, I used it once and even the Japanese MD liked it, can you believe it?!!!

What they want to know are things such as this:

"how resourceful you are" prove it with an annecdote

"have you got initiative" prove it with some other annecdote.

In fact, whether you had a year out or not makes no difference whatsoever. After all this stuff then you can list your career history and education or whatever. You may not even need the dates. The dates may hinder you. These days they are scared of age discrimination so they do not even want to see the dates. And who cares? What counts in these bullshit resumes is whatyou say for we do not live in Germany and they do not want any proof and people can say anything, so say the right things that they want to hear. Be creative!

To think that the best jobs go to the PhDs is ludicrous. These days it is all a big BUDDY culture and it is all about image, not really about substance. Long gone are the days when the best educated, the most able, the guy who really understands the complex, got the job. Those jobs are now in Japan, China and Korea (maybe still in Germany or Sweden). The rest of the world including the USA is run by some marketing guys and the "supply guys" are simply not here. Look how anything complex fails (Terminal 5 at Heathrow). Nobody in power cares about your qualifications but if you put all of these "gung ho soundbites" you prove to them that you are a "captain of the college basketball team" or an "oxford blue" you are hired. People at the top occasionally realise that they do not know anything. They are aggressive bullies but somehow they forgot that they need the PhD guy there to solve the problem (rather than the MBA guy). In any case do not worry, the kind of scrutiny you are scared of is now only practiced in the Far East. Save for a few companies: Rolls Royce, Boeing, we have lost the lead.
Reply:Employers will often ask about gaps in your employment at the interview. If you don't have a reasonable answer prepared, you might consider coming up with one before your next interview.

However, I don't think anyone screens out resumes before the interview by looking for gaps in employment. That's just silly. Gaps in employment by themselves don't imply anything. If you're not getting any calls, it's probably because your resume is not being placed in front of the right people or your resume doesn't stand out from the crowd.

If you ever have to hire someone, you'll realize what a pain it is to wade through a huge stack of resumes. Most people are just looking for the ones that stand out. If yours doesn't stand out, it may not get more than a 2 second glance.
Reply:yes it could, but usually they ask you why the gaps

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