Monday, April 26, 2010

What is in a Tesco Employment Reference?

I know Tesco have a department that deal with there employment references for them and they give staff a generic reference - anyone got any idea what is put in this? how generic is it and what personal information can they give?

What is in a Tesco Employment Reference?
If you shop with them and have a clubcard loads, they will know everything about you including your inside leg measurement.
Reply:From my experience in HR, most employers will only give the dates of employment and position held. Occasionally, one might give salary rate, but this is less likely. They do this to limit their legal liability. If they were to give a poor reference, they might get sued for slander. On the other hand, if they give a positive reference for some and generic reference for others, it could be assumed that any reference that is not positive is, by default, a negative. Therefore, most HR departments (internal and outsourced) give only generic references as a standard practice.

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