Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do Employers use to perform pre-employment background checks?

What site or service provider (if any) do most employers use to run pre-employment criminal background checks? Also, if a conviction is had in 1 state, will the record of it show up on a background check performed in a different state?

What do Employers use to perform pre-employment background checks?
A higher end service would be CrimCheck ( ), they have actual investigators digg deep into court and other systems to provide the most information. Those background check generally cost $50-$100 and can take up to a week.

Faster and cheaper results come from instant background check websites, such as , they usualy cost $15 for a statewide check and $30 for a nationwide check, but since the data comes from online records only, courts that haven't put thier records into a computer will not show in these reports. But they still do a good job.
Reply:Yes more than not your info is going to show up in what ever state you are in. I am in Mich and check out a name and his record in Tx came up. So you can run but you cant hide anymore.
Reply:Yes, as long as the company preforms a thorough check nationwide criminal searches are only $12.95
Reply:Every detail of a individual is stored so if required data can be easily accessed every where.


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