Seriously, I don't understand why on every application they expect people to have an employment history. Where the hell do people start then??
How did you get your first job?
How the heck am I supposed to get my first job if they keep pushing for an employment history?
You have a lot of great suggestions here. I would consider what it is you want your career path to be and try and find something that relates.
It could be an entry level position with a company that you dream of moving up in, or if you have a certain skill in something that you will use in your career you could work a low commitment level job that gets the bills paid while you gain experience volunteering your trained skills elsewhere.
You will be able to put that on your resume as well as give back to your community. If you are truly just starting out this is a great time as you have so much time in life ahead of you. Good luck to you.
Reply:It's a catch-22. Try volunteering. At least it's experience. Or look for "entry-level" work. That's the keyword. Those jobs don't require previous experience.
Reply:I started at McDonald's 20 years ago--just long enough to get some experience under my belt doing something (6 months).
If you want to go more upscale, you can do waitressing/waiter work. Get experience working with people, money, a bit of management. Then work up a resume to make that all sounds really good.
But like the first poster said, it depends on how old you are.
Reply:Try writing things that you volunteered at.
Exp: if you ever volunteered at a school concession stand
- if you volunteered with sports teams at school
- church groups, things like these.
My students are only 15 %26amp; 16 yrs old and never worked, these are some of the things we write on their application ( They all recived jobs........ Good Luck!
Reply:go and do volunteer jobs or temp jobs and get these into your curriculum vitae
Reply:Yeah, it's a catch 22. You should be able to get on at McDonald's. Stay there at least a year. Then you will be able to get lots of jobs and credit too! (stay away from the credit)
Reply:All jobs will ask you for your employment history, they want to know where you have worked and what jobs you have done. If you do not have any previous work experience or it is limited then all you can do is put down what you have and let them know you do not have any other experiences to put down.
My first job was working at a food place in the mall during high school. During college breaks I worked for a temporary agency at various companies. Maybe try signing up with an agency if you are over 18 years old.
Reply:Focus a section of your resume on skills
Reply:Do volunteering.. this shows excellent commitment and a work history after you have done a few months.. and you need no experience to do that.
Reply:trust me i had issues with this myself, what i suggest is doing community service, helping at the libary..find what you want to do and start out as an intern, get experience that way.. my first job was thanks to my school, i live in northeast missouri and corn is everywhere in the summer there are farmers that need help my first job was in the corn field it didnt last long.. the next job was thanks to my mom, she was a housekeeper at a nursing home she got me in the kitchen doing dishes, then from there i went into housekeeping, cashering, working in fruit packing houses.. sometimes you need help from those you know sometimes you just need to find a nice boss.
Reply:I feel your pain. Its like when I finished my phlebotomy course and tried to get a job. everyone wanted experience,weellllll, how am I s'pose to get it if ya'll won't give it to me.....its a vicious cycle I tell ya.
Reply:i agree with you completely. employers want to hire people who are experienced but no one is willing to give you a job so you can earn the of my friends used to have his own business and i used to go there and help him out.bit i got my first paying job through a recruitment agency. they sent my resume out for me and then followed up on it. i put my friends business in my resume and put him as a reference , i had finished my studies i had a diploma and had done lotsa volunteer work so i had a few good references.and one of the employers liked my resume and i instantly got a job.
Reply:Depending on your age..... Usually, your 1st job you put on the application is "Full Time Student". And if this IS your 1st actual JOB, then your employer will know. Everyone has to start somewhere. Good Luck !!!!
Reply:Volunteer, i had the same problem. volunteering helped me out and others.
Reply:First of all, job applications are generic so they have to cover EVERYBODY. If you have done any volunteer work or summer work - like mow lawns, babysat, anything, put it down. Those are jobs.
Fast food places and malls are open to hiring people with no employment history. If you have an In-n-Out Burger near by, apply with them. They are a great organization to work for. You might wrinkle your nose at a fast food job but you have to start somewhere and at these places you will learn how to work and have a place to put down on your next application. Good luck!
Reply:well how old are you...most ppl had a weekend job at 16 so they have something to write about..if you waited til you were older then thats why ppl expect you to already have experience.
Reply:my mother told me to get a bucket of coal . so i did or else.
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